6.9.2666 been working on this new website layout! this will be the layout for the winter half of the year. i wanted to make something a little bigger even if it isn't Enormous. it does still use more screen space than many other layouts i've made.
that bein said, i haven't bothered to fully optimise it for mobile. some stuff scales ok but some is entirely fucked and i'm not sure how much i will be bothered to fix. there's ofc things i could write a separate css for but i might also just... not do that. i was reading design guides be all MOBILE FIRST but this is oldweb shit i'm trying to do here. >>
you are patient number (counter). this website has been up since (time). i made it because i remembered that making websites was a fun hobby back in the day and it most likely would be that today!
this paragraph will be in japanese yeehaw
find below some good old fashioned online shrine action